Árlegt þing félagsráðgjafa verður haldið 17. febrúar 2023 kl: 8:15 – 18:00 á hótel Hilton Reykjavík Nordica undir yfirskriftinni:
Vinnuumhverfi, valdefling og tækni
Dagskráin verður birt fljótlega hér fyrir neðan.
Skráning er hafin á þingið og er snemmskráningargjald kr. 15.000 sem hækkar í kr. 18.000 frá og með 10. febrúar. Nemar og ellilífeyrisþegar geta fengið afslátt og skrá sig með því að senda póst á felagsradgjof@felagsradgjof.is
Pia Tham, prófessor í félagsráðgjöf við háskólann í Gavle, Svíþjóð.
The presentation will show results from 20 years research on working conditions for social workers in child welfare, how they have developed and how they can be improved. A special focus will be put on what characterizes work groups that are more satisfied and intend to stay at the workplace and on how the situation at a workplace can be improved. She will also present results from an ongoing study on how newly educated social workers perceive their transition from the education to the profession and preparedness for the challenges they face at the workplace.
Bengt Anderson, verkefnastjóri hjá Norrænu velferðarmiðstöðinni, Welfare technology in the Nordic Countries.
Nordic Welfare Centre will give un overview of the development of welfare technology in the Nordic countries in social sector and ongoing Nordic activities such as Nordic research network with a user perspective.
The presentation also includes the ongoing project Integrated health and care through distance spanning solutions (iHAC).
Ana Radulescu, formaður Evrópusamtaka félagsráðgjafa, Community empowerment under wartime conditions.
At the end of the first 6 months of our partnership, we have achieved substantial growth of caring and essential social support systems under traumatic conditions. It was a journey of empowering communities and people under the most difficult conditions. Under the alarm sound and a few hours of electrical power each day, we could work together with the social workers and community to provide housing, heating, clothing, work, trauma counselling and care for the internally displaced. Building under war conditions, co-constructing social support services and empowering communities requires both community volunteers and social workers to quickly develop skills and apply innovative thinking.
Social workers in Ukraine, with the support of IFSW develop creative practical approaches based on key principles such as self-determination and recognition of strengths. This approach respects people’s dignity and recognizes each person’s strengths. A crisis-driven approach to community development has the potential to change global ideas about social development.
Under these conditions, IFSW mobilized social workers to co-rebuild the country’s welfare structures. In December, the Association of Social Workers in Ukraine became a member of IFSW. This is now a key partner for European organizations helping to develop social services for people in Ukraine.