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Norrænir félagsráðgjafar á ráðstefnu NSSK í Helsinki senda félagsráðgjöfum stuðningsyfirlýsingu

By apríl 19, 2017No Comments

Dagana 10. til 12. júní 2015 hélt NSSK ráðstefnu fyrir norræna félagsráðgjafa í Helsinki. Þátttakendur fengu fréttir af stöðu kjaraviðræðna á Íslandi og sendu Félagsráðgjafafélagi Íslands stuðningsyfirlýsingu.

To: Maria Rúnarsdóttir, Chairman of the Association for Social Workers in Iceland and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister, Government of Iceland

Letter of support

We social workers and social pedagogues gathered at the Nordic conference in Helsinki, are sending our warm greetings and support to the social work professionals on strike in Iceland. We demand the government to withraw the law banning the strike.
The theme of our conference is Courage in Social Work. Your fight for better working conditions and just pay for your demanding work, is a tangible sign of courage.
We 350 social work professionals around the Nordic countries, Europe and the Globe, express our full support to your struggle and appeal to the government of Iceland for hearing your reasonable demands for better wages.

We condemn the Goverments decision to end the strike with force.

During and after the bank crisis in Iceland, social workers were helping the victims of the crisis. As reward for this committed and tireless contribute to wellbeing of people of Iceland, the government is now turning it’s back to the professionals with academic education.

Iceland’s economy is growing rapidly and social workers and other academic professionals are entitled to have their share of the growth.

Helsinki 12 June 2015

2nd Joint Nordic Conference 2015: Courage in Social Work


Union of Professional Social Workers Talentia, Finland

Nordic Forum for Social Workers

Nordic Forum for Social Pedagogues

The Huoltaja-Foundation

The Finnish Society for Social Work Research

National Institute for Health ans Welfare

University of Helsinki

Arcada University for Applied Scienses